A mirrored body in an empty studio apartment. Main subject generated in Wonder, imported to Photoshop and expanded to a panorama with Firefly, fine-tuned in Photoshop by OWL BLR.

A closer look at the three sections follows, link for prints below.

April and I teamed up again at Squalicum Beach in Bellingham this summer. We had a few ideas we wanted to shoot, the main one being photography to address plastic waste in our ocean. Here is a message from April:
Up to 11 million TONS of plastic enter our oceans each year, harming marine life, birds, and even showing up in human food in the form of microplastics.
Much of this waste starts out on land, from overflowing landfills to litter on streets and beaches that end up in storm drains, rivers, creeks, and are swept out to sea.
This is a massive problem that requires everyone to do what they can to reduce their plastic consumption.
So what can be done?!
One way we are combating this issue locally is that the Bellingham City Council has passed a single-use plastics ordinance in food service and lodging industries.
The ordinance requires that durable food service wares such as plates, utensils and cups be used instead of disposables for on-site dining. The ordinance also prohibits provision of most single-use plastic utensils, straws, plates, containers, and packaging for restaurant takeout or delivery; instead, businesses can use reusable or provide compostable service wear. Lodging businesses may no longer stock rooms with travel sized toiletries such as shampoo, soap and lotion.
Companies like Sustainable Connections are actively educating the community in ways to move toward Zero Waste.
“Refilleries” such as Living Pantry and Pumped Bellingham offer soaps, shampoos, laundry detergents, and other products to reduce buying single use plastic bottles of product.
Sea Bar is a local solid shampoo and conditioner bar company pledging to pick up a pound of beach plastic for every bar sold.
Surf Rider Foundation has chapters around the nation that do beach cleanups, education, and more, all for the sake of protecting our oceans.
After we got the photos we wanted for the plastic shoot we hung out waiting for sunset to do a walk-on-water session but it as they day progressed it got really windy and stormy and wasn’t safe to do the shoot. But here are a few of my favorite photos we took while we were waiting.
Special thanks to Grant Parker for setting up this shot, one of my favorites of the entire day
And last but not least, the photo that Instagram keeps flagging my account for, for some reason:
Oh Also, here’s Grant after taking a drink that had sand in it.
A delicious meal taking a break on the beach.
Now you can dress in style with a cheeseburger on a chair on a sweatshirt on your body. Link yourself over to my Etsy page and buy yours right now.
Photos from a cabin in Glacier, WA.
We danced on the beach and tried to reach the moon.
April and I journeyed to find Pixie Falls in Bellingham. We both thought we’d been there before but we never had. It was a pain in the ass to get there. Scaling down a steep hill that felt like a mountain and trekking through the creek trying not to slip and fall while holding all our gear but we made it and it was worth it.
A joint photography project with Grant Parker. We melded our portraits together behind this chain link fence in downtown Bellingham. Also, we saw what we’re pretty sure was a murder hornet and tried to catch it.